national MISSIONS
Each year our missions committee prayerfully considers how to best support missionaries with our resources. We believe that we're called to served beyond our local community through the help of missionaries to help bring the good news of the Gospel to our nation. Below are some of our national missions partners.
tom & karen mills
Tom & Karen Mills work with Campus Crusade for Christ, a missionary organization with more than 26,000 staff in 190 countries and 60 ministries. Tom and Karen are at the World Headquarters in Florida.
Tom is a photographer for Campus Crusade and has been using photography to show God’s hand at work around the world primarily for Cru’s magazine, Worldwide Challenge. Recently, Cru has decided to stop publication of Worldwide Challenge magazine in order to focus more on digital and social media. Now Tom shoots for their new e-magazine, Cru Storylines. You can view this at
Karen is currently discipling 16 women that she works with through Bible study. Karen is an artist and uses her artwork for ministry purposes.
The Mills have been faithful in their service to Christ and in their service to this church. Tom just celebrated 41 years with Campus Crusade!
the whitherspoons
Frontier Ventures is an agency founded to strengthen mission efforts and seeks to deepen understanding of current issues in missions today and equip believers to partner with God’s movement in bringing the Kingdom near to all peoples. Frontier Ventures provides Perspectives On the World Christian Movement, a class that focuses on “building global momentum to help complete the Great Commission.” This 15-week course develops in students a growing knowledge of God’s plan and purpose for all generations around the globe. Many of these students become long term missionaries to unreached people groups.
Jim is the Southwest Regional Director for the Perspectives Coordinators throughout Southern California, Arizona and Nevada. He trains and works with Coordinators from start to finish of their classes. Jim puts on a number of Perspectives Coordinator Workshops a year in which students are trained to become Coordinators for the Perspectives Study Program. Jim has been at Frontier Ventures for over 25 years.
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