Join us Saturday, April 3rd in the St. Andrew’s parking lot for our socially-distanced Easter tailgate!
Moms from MOPS and MOMSnext will be decorating their trunks and hosting games, crafts, and activities for kids to do with their families, including…
Guess the Jelly Beans Contest
Photo with the Easter Bunny
Pin the Tail on the Bunny
Carrot Toss
Find the Egg
And other fun surprises!
We will also be collecting donations for the homeless Sack Lunch Program if you would like to bring any canned goods, chips, fruit cups, and/or sandwich items. Feel free to bring an Easter basket for collecting goodies and drop by any time between 10AM and 11:30AM. All activities and handouts will be COVID-conscious. Please wear masks and join us for an egg-cellent morning!!