Dear St. Andrew’s Redondo Beach,
I am writing to let you know about an important change in the life of our church.
In September 2022, Coastline Covenant and St. Andrew’s announced a season of prayer and discernment as we considered merging our two churches. We gave all of ourselves to this process, both in our collective work and in our private conversations and prayers. After five months, we have mutually agreed to close this season without merging and will remain individual churches.
There was no single reason why we decided to close our merger discussions. Coastline’s status as a church plant, with still-to-be developed bylaws and leadership, was a challenge. Receiving the blessing of our denominations was another. Although we were both excited by the potential of a merged church, we were unable to find a practical pathway.
Although we are no longer considering merging our churches, we are thankful for the partnership. We believe that much of what we had hoped to do together as a merged church can still be accomplished as friends. Thus, our team is continuing to meet as we seek to define our new relationship for this new era.
We will be hosting a Q and A session this Sunday (2/26) after our 10:00 am blended service in the Family Life Center with the intent of answering any questions that you may have regarding this update.
We ask for your prayers that God would be with the people and ministry of both churches. We also ask for prayers that we would continue to reach the city of Redondo Beach – the community God has placed us in and sends us to – with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Peace be with you,
Pastor Peter Dunn