Give Yourself Grace


Dear Friends and Family of St. Andrew’s Children,

As we come up on another Sunday when we can’t meet together, I have a few thoughts and words for you. We may not be able to see each other face-to-face, but we are still a strong community, group of people God put in each other’s lives for a reason. We can lift each other up in prayer, and we can support each other remotely.

I’m praying for each and every one of you as you sift through a world turned upside-down. We each have our own struggles through this pandemic, but in some ways, our lives look more alike than ever.

We are isolated. We don’t know what is coming next, and our work/school life looks completely different for now. Our children are home and, in varied degrees, coping with the changes themselves.

Something that I have noticed in talking with others is that many of us are dealing with some level of anxiety—either resulting from possible danger or from the impacts of being alone. We don’t have the usual coping mechanisms of distraction and productivity (“If I’m working hard on something, I don’t have time to worry.”). We don’t have the support of sounding boards or of camaraderie. We don’t have childcare, parks, libraries, other kids to play with, teachers to learn from. And many are trying to figure out how to get just as much work done remotely with all of these added things.

I was pouring these thoughts out during a Zoom call with some friends, and that group of wise souls told me this, “Give yourself grace to not make big goals or put expectations on yourself. You are keeping your family safe and doing your part for the larger community, and that is enough. If you don’t get in the best shape of your life, organize every cupboard in your house, create an epic garden, write the next bestselling novel, and whatever else… it will be ok. If you don’t stick to strict screen-time limits, it’s just for a season. If you’re not an instant, ‘just-add-coronavirus’ homeschool teacher, your kids will be fine. It will be ok.” Or at least they said something like that!

You guys… it will be okay. It all comes down to that. God has each of us in His loving protection. He has a plan. We may not understand the plan, but I can tell you—this is not His Plan B. God only works in Plan A mode. And we only have one job—to trust Him. Through thick and thin.

We will be okay. If we pray, He will help us to find the next right thing (please forgive the Frozen II reference, but it’s just so applicable!), and we trust in God that we still have a place and a role to play for His kingdom. What we are doing is enough.

I love you all. Let’s stay connected via the Facebook page. There are fun challenges coming soon there (like a craft show-down, Bible memory verse challenge, and more!). If you are not on the Facebook page and want your kids to stay connected with their church friends, let me know and I will add you!

Stay in His peace my friends,

Ms. Keighly